Revolutionising Classroom Management

TThe classroom management feature of Prodigy brings a revolutionary approach to the traditional learning environment. Our application is designed to take the administrative load off of teachers, allowing them to focus on what truly matters - teaching and student engagement.

With Prodigy, teachers can easily create, manage, and assign lessons to their students. They can also organise students into class groups based on their learning needs, academic level, or other criteria. But the functionality of Prodigy goes far beyond simple organization. It serves as a dynamic, interactive platform that engages students and enhances their learning experience.

Embrace the power of focused learning with Prodigy's unique feature that allows the creation of specialised study/revision groups. Whether you're looking to build a cross-class study group centred around a particular topic or unit, or simply desire a smaller, more intensive study cluster, Prodigy makes it effortlessly achievable. This customisability enhances collaborative learning and allows for targeted instruction that caters to students' specific needs. By transcending the boundaries of traditional classroom structures, educators can foster a more interactive and beneficial learning environment. Prodigy empowers you to tailor your teaching approach, fostering deeper understanding and promoting academic success among your students.

Access Anywhere

Centralised Information

Real Time Analytics

Parents' Corner

Prodigy’s innovative features extend beyond the classroom, welcoming parents into the learning journey. Our ‘Parents’ Corner’ offers an array of tools designed to keep parents informed and involved in their child’s academic progress.

We believe in the power of parental involvement in shaping a child’s educational experience. The Parents’ Corner is our way of ensuring you’re always in the loop.

We hope you find what you are looking for.

If you’re excited about what Prodigy can offer and want to stay updated with our latest features and improvements, why not join our mailing list? If you’re interested in trying out our application, why not request a demo today?